Odin is Pepper’s brother, and when he was about a year old, we got a call for help because he was having large amounts of blood in his stool as well as unexplained weight loss. Odin’s parents have been doing their best to properly care for him and Pepper. They recently got into housing and are currently applying and interviewing for jobs. Odin needed immediate medical care, so we stepped up to help. After seeing the vet and getting some meds, Odin is doing much better! No more blood in his stool and he is much more active. Shout out to everyone that donated towards Odin’s bill. Odin’s parents are so grateful that they are able to focus on their new jobs and improving their living situation, and not having to worry about how they are going to come up with the money to treat Odin. We rely solely on donations for our WOTS program and we could not do it without your continued support.


We met Pepper and Odin when they were just little pups. Their parents are unhoused in the Van Nuys area. Over the past year or so, we have provided both Pepper and Odin with vet care on several occasions, vaccinations, flea medication, as well as donations of food, toys, treats, and leashes.