Pepper’s parents reached out for help after Pepper began crying out in pain and could no longer put weight on her back leg. We got her into the vet right away, where they determined that she had a tibial crest fracture. We committed to helping Pepper, as her family was unable to cover the cost of the surgery, and our goal is always to help keep pets with their owners and out of the shelter system.
Pepper came through her surgery with flying colors! The vet was able to repair the fracture that was causing her so much discomfort. Pepper was is in a cast and she needed to be kept calm so her leg could properly heal. Luckily, her parents were able to get into temporary housing so she did not have to recover on the street.


We met Pepper and Odin when they were just little pups. Their parents are unhoused in the Van Nuys area. Over the past year or so, we have provided both Pepper and Odin with vet care on several occasions, vaccinations, flea medication, as well as donations of food, toys, treats, and leashes.


When Pepper developed a large abscess on her head that opened up, Pepper’s parents tried everything to get her care. Not able to come up with the money or qualify for Care Credit, they considered surrendering her to a shelter. But when the shelter told them she would be euthanized immediately due to her human reactivity, they contacted us for help. Pepper’s abscess was drained, cleaned, sent for testing and required stitches. Over the next few weeks Pepper recovered well and doctor confirmed that everything looked good. Her sutures were removed and her mom provided at home care, using an antibiotic cream on the area, and kept the cone on while Pepper continued to heal.