While at the vet, Perla got a full exam, blood work, got her nails trimmed and was sent home with medicated shampoo for her skin allergies. Luckily her blood work came back normal and we sent her dad some probiotics to keep her healthy.

Most recently we helped Perla get vet care for a growth on her lady parts that had gotten infected. She was sent home with some antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication, and we will be keeping in touch with her dad to make sure she is healing properly.


Perla is the sister to Sonny, who passed away from advanced lung cancer. After Sonny passed, David was adamant about wanting to get Perla to the vet to ensure she was in good health. Unfortunately his car had broken down so we used some of your donations to help him purchase parts to repair it. David’s car is fixed and as promised, he got Perla to the vet to be seen for on-going skin and allergy issues.

To everyone that has donated to David, Sonny and Perla: THANK YOU for making a difference in one man’s life. We are extremely humbled by your generosity!